Friday, September 9, 2011

Where does the time go? Our twins are 2 years old today...

I'm a little late in posting this - I had originally intended to do so this morning, but was caught up with so many other things - I didn't have the chance.

Today is the birthday of my twins - Luke & Isaiah.  They are 2 years old today. ;)

Happy Birthday 
Luke & Isaiah

I got up this morning and was pretty emotional as I looked in on my twins while they were still sleeping.  
Being a parent can be such an emotional experience all in its own - but my journey to having these lovelies was definitely a challenge.  While pregnant with them, being active was just impossible.  I spent most of my 7 and a half months of pregnancy in bed and unable to really move or even eat anything without feeling nauseated.  I lost over 45lbs through my entire pregnancy and my weight on the day I gave birth was less than what I was when I found out I was pregnant.  As if that wasn't a challenge... my blood pressure was so high the day I went in for my Pre-op for Cesarean scheduled for Sept. 10th that my doctor just couldn't allow me to keep the babies in me for the extra 2 days, it was life threatening for me and she rushed me to an emergency C-Section on the 8th of September instead.   So, I went straight from the regular doctor's office to the hospital and on to surgery to see my little munchkins.  Being told that you could possibly lose your life and also be told that you will get to see meet two little angels a day early was a very emotional experience.  

Now - two years later, these little boogies keep me busy.  I still don't know what a full nights rest is and I'm consistently running after them and around them, but 

Here are a few pictures of our angels and the last 2 years, they are in no particular order, but I'm sure you can see the timeline by looking at how much they have grown ;)  

Mommy, Daddy & Ka'eo love you guys very much... Happy Birthday to our little loves. ;)

Tonight's Birthday Cake Celebration ;)

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